Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ramble 1.0

Despite all of the COVID madness, this year has actually seen some positive changes for me. After five years at the same level at my job, I finally moved up. As stressful as the process of interviewing and preparing was I swear it was the happiest I had been in a long time. Maybe it is just because you get to brag about how great you are and list off all of your strengths (which is like injecting self esteem directly into your bloodstream). But more than that I think it is just a sense of accomplishment. I have lived my life believing that I am less than. I have never believed in myself. In fact I always brushed off any personal achievements as coincidence. Part of that is me giving in to the urge to wallow in self-deprecation, but I also feel like I haven't really been lifted up much in my life. 

When I was a kid people would tell me all the time that I was lazy and selfish. I heard that a lot. A lot more than anyone should, especially a child. Maybe it was true. Who knows? I certainly can't travel back in time and observe young me (nor would I want to). But would it have killed any of the people who knocked me down to lift me up instead? I place so much value on leading by example. Couldn't they have done that instead? One time, someone I consider a friend told me I was a bad person. That felt like a stab to the heart. 

I've said that having role models is toxic, and as much as I claim that I don't have any - I do. There are traits I admire in people: selflessness, kindness, generosity. That's what I try to emulate, but sometimes I fail. Every day I feel like I am getting closer to the person I want to be. I just wish that would happen faster than it does.

Friday, April 24, 2020


‪I’m so horrified at the thought that people are not going to vote in this election because their only choices are two “old white men,” and not a more exciting candidate (I.e. Obama or Bernie). Not to burst everyone’s bubble, but this is what most of the presidential elections in your lifetime are going to look like. Not to mention that there are other things on the ballot, such as local elections, that are very important too. Don’t throw away your chance to change the things you are unhappy with and then complain about the results the next day.‬ Especially this year, which is probably one of the most important elections of our lifetimes.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Round 2

I've been wanting to write again for a while now, and I don't think I can continue doing that with my old blog. Most of those posts were written when I was in high school or college and I can't even think about them without cringing. So, I have decided to archive it and start fresh. In case anyone cares the link to the old blog is here: